Nate Collins, PhD


In 2018, Nate began the ministry of Revoice, and serves as its founding President. He is the author of All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality (Zondervan, 2017), as well as a forthcoming volume about sexuality in the Biblical Theology for Life series from Zondervan Academic. Nate and his wife, Sara, live in St. Louis, MO, with their three children.

Nate was born in Texas, but spent most of his childhood living overseas in South America where his parents served as missionaries. After graduating from Moody Bible Institute in 2003 with a BA in Bible and Theology, he moved to Louisville, KY, to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He graduated with an MDiv in 2009, and then earned a PhD in New Testament in 2017. He has presented papers at academic conferences on the subjects of gender, sexuality, the Greco-Roman background of the New Testament, and related topics. He is a member of The Society for Biblical Literature, Institute for Biblical Research, and the Evangelical Theological Society.

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